Production for all orders received from today onward, will start in January 2025.
We would like to inform you that Protekt is in the process of implementing a new ERP system, which will result in new product codes for all items.
Trade Fair
The International Exhibition for Risk Prevention and Management 2024
The International Exhibition for Risk Prevention and Management 2024
Trade Fair
International Fair of Work Protection, Fire-Fighting and Rescue Equipment
International Fair of Work Protection, Fire-Fighting and Rescue Equipment
Trade Fair
37 International Power Industry Fair Bielsko-Biała
37 International Power Industry Fair Bielsko-Biała
Trade Fair
International Construction and Architecture Fair
International Construction and Architecture Fair - Poznan
Trade Fair
International Trade Fair and Congress for the topics: Safety, Security and Health at work
International Trade Fair and Congress for the topics: Safety, Security and Health at work
Protekt company hereby informs that we are currently faced with increased levels of cost from all sectors including energy, logistics, packaging and raw materials, what forced us to raise the prices of some of our products.
Information about the transformation of the PROTEKT company.
Dear Sir/Madam, I hereby inform that the business activity conducted under the firm PROTEKT Grzegorz Łaszkiewicz, with its registered office in Łódź at ul. Starorudzka 9 has been transformed into a limited liability company on the basis of art. 584 of the Commercial Companies Code.
Trade Fair
International Construction and Architecture Fair
International Construction and Architecture Fair - Poznan
Trade Fair
The International Exhibition for Risk Prevention and Management
The International Exhibition for Risk Prevention and Management
Trade Fair
13th International Trade Fair for Powder & Bulk Solids Technologies - SYMAS®
13th International Trade Fair for Powder & Bulk Solids Technologies - SYMAS®
Trade Fair
International Fair of Work Protection, Fire-Fighting and Rescue Equipment
International Fair of Work Protection, Fire-Fighting and Rescue Equipment
Trade Fair
Targi Obróbki Metali, Obrabiarek i Narzędzi
Targi Obróbki Metali, Obrabiarek i Narzędzi STOM-TOOL
AZ 800 has been withdrawn from the production.
Due to the changes in the regulations on the conditions related to retractable fall arresters EN 360:2002, the roof lanyard AZ 800 has been withdrawn from the production.
Trade Fair
International Trade Fair and Congress for the topics: Safety, Security and Health at work
Międzynarodowe targi higieny pracy, środków ochrony indywidualnej i bezpieczeństwa w zakładzie pracy - Duesseldorf
Trade Fair
International Construction and Architecture Fair
International Construction and Architecture Fair - Poznan
„Infrastruktura B+R dla rozwoju innowacyjnych produktów”
Dofinansowany projektu w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Łódzkiego na lata 2014-2020, działanie I.2 Inwestycje przedsiębiorstw w badania i innowacje, podziałanie I.2.1 Infrastruktura B+R przedsiębiorstw. Celem głównym projektu jest zakup wyposażenia i sprzętu dla istniejącego w firmie PROTEKT laboratorium badawczego i działu konstrukcyjno – technologicznego w celu realizacji działań określonych w Planie prac badawczo – rozwojowych.
Production for all orders received from today onward, will start in January 2025.
We would like to inform you that Protekt is in the process of implementing a new ERP system, which will result in new product codes for all items.
Trade Fair
The International Exhibition for Risk Prevention and Management 2024
The International Exhibition for Risk Prevention and Management 2024
Trade Fair
International Fair of Work Protection, Fire-Fighting and Rescue Equipment
International Fair of Work Protection, Fire-Fighting and Rescue Equipment
Trade Fair
37 International Power Industry Fair Bielsko-Biała
37 International Power Industry Fair Bielsko-Biała
Trade Fair
International Construction and Architecture Fair
International Construction and Architecture Fair - Poznan
Trade Fair
International Trade Fair and Congress for the topics: Safety, Security and Health at work
International Trade Fair and Congress for the topics: Safety, Security and Health at work
Protekt company hereby informs that we are currently faced with increased levels of cost from all sectors including energy, logistics, packaging and raw materials, what forced us to raise the prices of some of our products.
Information about the transformation of the PROTEKT company.
Dear Sir/Madam, I hereby inform that the business activity conducted under the firm PROTEKT Grzegorz Łaszkiewicz, with its registered office in Łódź at ul. Starorudzka 9 has been transformed into a limited liability company on the basis of art. 584 of the Commercial Companies Code.
Trade Fair
International Construction and Architecture Fair
International Construction and Architecture Fair - Poznan
Trade Fair
The International Exhibition for Risk Prevention and Management
The International Exhibition for Risk Prevention and Management
Trade Fair
13th International Trade Fair for Powder & Bulk Solids Technologies - SYMAS®
13th International Trade Fair for Powder & Bulk Solids Technologies - SYMAS®
Trade Fair
International Fair of Work Protection, Fire-Fighting and Rescue Equipment
International Fair of Work Protection, Fire-Fighting and Rescue Equipment
Trade Fair
Targi Obróbki Metali, Obrabiarek i Narzędzi
Targi Obróbki Metali, Obrabiarek i Narzędzi STOM-TOOL
AZ 800 has been withdrawn from the production.
Due to the changes in the regulations on the conditions related to retractable fall arresters EN 360:2002, the roof lanyard AZ 800 has been withdrawn from the production.
Trade Fair
International Trade Fair and Congress for the topics: Safety, Security and Health at work
Międzynarodowe targi higieny pracy, środków ochrony indywidualnej i bezpieczeństwa w zakładzie pracy - Duesseldorf
Trade Fair
International Construction and Architecture Fair
International Construction and Architecture Fair - Poznan
„Infrastruktura B+R dla rozwoju innowacyjnych produktów”
Dofinansowany projektu w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Łódzkiego na lata 2014-2020, działanie I.2 Inwestycje przedsiębiorstw w badania i innowacje, podziałanie I.2.1 Infrastruktura B+R przedsiębiorstw. Celem głównym projektu jest zakup wyposażenia i sprzętu dla istniejącego w firmie PROTEKT laboratorium badawczego i działu konstrukcyjno – technologicznego w celu realizacji działań określonych w Planie prac badawczo – rozwojowych.