Lanyards holders and bags
When dealing with work at height, it’s important to prevent falls and injuries not only of the employee but also of the people who are in danger because of standing or walking under the construction. A tool or any other piece of equipment falling even from a relatively low height can cause serious consequences. Therefore, the employer is responsible for minimizing the risks by providing workers with appropriate equipment such as safety ropes, transport bags or backpacks.

Transport sack

AX 008
Transport sack

AX 010
Transport sack

AX 011K
Transport sack

AX 011T
Transport sack

AX 013A
Transport sack

AX 013B
Transport sack

AX 024
Transport sack

AX 030
Transport sack

WX 001
Dry bag transport bag

WX 004
Dry bag with handle

WX 005
Dry bag with handle and strap

WX 006
Dry bag with suspenders

WX 007
Dry bag with suspenders

AX 560
Transport bag 300 kg

AX 011
Transport sack

AX 011D
Transport sack

AX 011N
Transport sack

AX 012
Transport sack

Transport sack

AX 800
Rope bag

AX 801
Load bag

AX 020
Transport backpack

AX 074
Transport backpack

AX 075
Transport backpack
Safety ropes for working at height
Safety ropes are ingenious in their simplicity. It’s enough to attach one tip to the tool and the other one - depending on the type - to your belt or wrist. Thanks to being made of durable materials they can withstand high working loads. This means that they can be used to secure hand tools (e.g. wrenches or hammers) but also larger power or combustion equipment like chainsaws. Our product range offers a wide range of safety ropes designed for various applications.
Transport bags - efficient way to carry your equipment
Transport bags and backpacks are a safe and comfortable solution for carrying equipment such as safety ropes. It’s worth keeping in mind that tools of a person working at height can be relatively heavy, therefore, the possibility to transport them without any problems is pretty relevant. Transport bags coms in various sizes, shapes and capacities so that the choice can be easily adjusted to a specific purpose. Robust workmanship guarantees reliability. On our offer you can find handy products that can be used in all conditions. Each of them comes with adjustable harnesses that fit your spine and thus facilitate convenient and safe transport of the equipment. Similarly to all the remaining items offered by Protekt, our backpacks and transport bags are certified which proves their quality and reliability.