Regardless of the form of mountaineering activity, from work at height to professional sports, specialist outfits should be equipped with appropriate accessories. Safety and durability of materials, resistance to damage or abrasion and low weight of the user's equipment are crucial for climbing equipment. Such products are offered by PROTEKT, a Polish manufacturer of personal safety equipment and systems.

CD 201
Chest ascender

CD 201L
Chest ascender

CD 202
Chest ascender

CD 202L
Chest ascender

CD 211
Chest ascender

CD 211L
Chest ascender

CD 212
Chest ascender

CD 212L
Chest ascender

CD 302
Rigging plate

CD 303
Rigging plate

CD 401
Rigging plate

CD 402
Rigging plate

CD 403
Rigging plate

KR 200
Swivel with bearings

KR 210
Mountaineering accessories from PROTEKT
On the website you can find a wide range of key mountaineering accessories, such as:
- chest ascenders without a handle for rope climbing or belaying with a locking mechanism. Very light - only 220g or even 135g in the case of the ultra light version. Can be used with ropes from 8 to 13 mm diameter. Available in two colors;
- chest ascenders for ascending the rope vertically, with a locking mechanism. Weight 220g and 205g (ultra light). Available for both right and left-handed people;
- position plates - various models with snap slot numbers from 2 to 13, for a wide range of applications from exit and evacuation to multi-level positioning;
- rings - available in two diameters: 28mm and 46mm with a minimum durability of 25kN;
- swivels - swivel accessories available in two weight versions.
The most important aspect: safety
All climbing accessories are made of lightweight and durable aluminum, in some cases combined with robust rubber. For example, the static strength of position plates, depending on the individual models, ranges from min. 25kN to 50kN. The kits come with detailed instructions, making it easy to use them safely.